After all, he dropped taxes on investment income to their lowest point in modern history in the name of helping investors and the economy. 而且,他还以帮助投资者和美国经济的名义,将投资所得税降到了现代历史以来的最低水平。
Before the deregistration formalities are handled, an enterprise shall make a declaration to the tax organ and pay the enterprise income taxes on the basis of the income of the liquidation. 企业应当在办理注销登记前,就其清算所得向税务机关申报并依法缴纳企业所得税。
Now is the time to empower cities to find new sources of revenue, through property taxes or local surcharges on income taxes. 现在是赋权城市寻找新的收入来源的时候了,比如通过征收不动产税或所得税地方附加费。
In the last four years, Apple has avoided paying taxes on US$ 44 billion in income, said Senator John McCain of Arizona, the panel's top Republican. 在过去的四年里,苹果公司逃了440亿美元的税收,亚利桑那州参议员约翰•麦凯恩说,该委员会的共和党领袖。
Only changes in value added tax, various excise taxes or taxes on earned and capital income can make a real difference. 只有调整增值税、各种特许权税或劳动所得税或资本收益税,才会真正起作用。
Since taxes are levied primarily on income, this has both equity and efficiency benefits. 由于税收主要针对的是收入,这在公平与效率两方面都会带来好处。
Taxation reduces the incentive to invest as well, because future rates of return on any investment will be reduced by taxes on positive income. 而且,税收还会降低人们投资创业的动力,因为任何投资的未来回报率都因为税收而减少。
There are three major types of taxes& taxes on income, taxes on wealth and taxes on activities in most Western countries. 在大部分西方国家,有三种主要的税收&所得税、财产税和活动税。
If Mr Brown cut taxes on the? 20,000 to? 30,000 income bracket, he would encourage more work from everyone in that group, but lose tax revenue from everyone above that income bracket. 如果布朗降低对2万至3万英镑收入人群征收的税率,那他就会鼓励这个群体的每个人做更多工作,但会损失高于这一收入等级的人群的税收。
Withholding rates of taxes on investment income of dividend and interest, and on royalties income in Belgium will be lowered as provided for under the agreement. 根据协定,股息及利息的投资收入和特许权使用费收入的税率,均获降低。
There shall be regarded as taxes on income all taxes imposed on total income, or on elements of income, including taxes on gains from the alienation of movable or immovable property. 对全部所得或某项所得征收的税收,包括对来自转让动产或不动产的收益征收的税收,应视为对所得征收的税收。
It also excludes capital gains on existing investments, although the taxes on those gains are deducted from the income measure. 而且它也把从投资上得到的资本收益排除在外,虽然这些收益带来的税务已经在计算收入时被扣除了。
And many still collect taxes on corporate income earned in tax havens. 许多国家还对企业在避税天堂的收入征税。
Corporations pay taxes on their profits, much as individuals pay taxes on their income. 正如个人按其收人纳税一样,公司也要按其利润纳税。
In the u.s.some interest-bearing bonds, such as municipals, entitle the bearer to an exemption from certain taxes on interest income. 美国有一些有息债券,如政府债券,它允许持有人在利息收益上有一定的免税。
Changes in taxes on capital income also generate bigger responses than changes on labour income. 与劳动收入税率相比,资本收益税率的变动会引起更大的反应。
Mr Obama's tax plan is not socialist; it is a shift away from the Republican emphasis on lower taxes on income, capital gains and corporations in favour of fairly standard progressive taxation. 奥巴马的税收计划并不是社会主义性质的,该计划不同于共和党强调降低收入、资本收益和企业税收,而是支持相当标准的累进税制。
To illustrate, assume that a corporation pays income taxes at a rate of 3% on its taxable income. 举例,假设某公司按其应税所得的3%支付所得税。
This Agreement shall apply to taxes on income imposed on behalf of a Contracting State or of its local authorities, irrespective of the manner in which they are levied. 本协定适用于由缔约国一方或其地方当局对所得征收的所有税收,不论其征收方式如何。
The agreement between the government of the People's Republic of China and the government of the Seller's country for the reciprocal avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income 与卖方国家政府关于避免双重征税和防止偷逃所得税的协定
Most OFCs do not levy capital-gains or inheritance taxes, nor taxes on passive income such as interest. 绝大多数的离岸金融中心都免收资本利得税和遗产税,也不对诸如利息一类的被动收入进行征税。
A principle of taxation in which taxes are based on the income or resource-ownership ability of people to pay the tax. 是指根据纳税者的支付能力来决定对其课征税收多少的原则。
Foreign taxes imposed on international boycott income 对国际控制收入的外国税收
Much economic analysis of tax regimes focuses on the optimal system: the maximum marginal rate, the balance between taxes on consumption and income, the need to reduce loopholes and so on. 许多对税收体制的经济分析集中于优化系统:最大化边际税率,平衡消费和收入之间的税收,需要减少漏洞等等。
Employees in the enterprises for Chinese-foreign cooperation in exploiting continental petroleum resources shall pay taxes on their income. 对外合作开采陆上石油资源的企业的雇员,应当就其所得依法纳税。
Shares slumped at the onset of trading, with investors alarmed by potentially higher taxes on capital gains, dividends and investment income once a budgetary deal is finalised. 由于此前投资者曾得到警告,一旦预算案确定下来,资本利得、股息以及投资收益等方面可能被征收更高税额,昨日股市开盘即出现大幅下跌。
The principle of the Personal Income Tax is: to impose taxes on the net income. That is to say, we should deduct the operating expenses and the taxpayers 'cost of living firstly. 个人所得税的计税原理是对纯所得进行征税,即应当先对与获取收入和报酬有关的经营费用及维持纳税人自身及家庭生活需要的费用扣除之后的应纳税所得额征税。